Build Belleville - Infrastructure Plan
Develop a multi-year, comprehensive municipal strategic infrastructure plan for Belleville’s downtown business area.
Collaboratively developed and successfully delivered a major living document that ultimately linked 22 major infrastructure projects to Belleville’s Downtown Revitalization strategy.
- Lead a successful branding and promotion initiative highlighting the merits of linking these strategically important infrastructure projects to ONE macro strategy that the community can understand and get behind. This was approved and supported by The Mayor and City Council.
- Set in place opportunities to leverage grant and cost-effective government loan funds, combined with City resources allocated annually, to maximize and target strategic public /private investments into the community.
- Advised the Mayor and City Council on the creation of the ‘Mayor’s Taskforce on Downtown Revitalization’.
- Active member of the team that developed a ‘City Centre Intensification Plan’ through the Director of Engineering and Development Services which led to the City Centre – Downtown Revitalization Plan and a $35M three-year, three-phase capital project designed to better leverage existing and created high-value community assets.