Belleville Waterfront Visioning


Develop a strategic Waterfront Vision Plan for the City of Belleville, ON.


  • As the Corporate lead, developed a strategic Waterfront Vision Plan informed by, and a complement to, the city’s Official Plan, City Centre Intensification Plan, and Downtown Revitalization Plan.
  • With extensive community consultation and Subject Matter Expert (SME) collaboration, determined the highest and best uses for key public and private lands on or near bodies of water across Belleville’s waterfront on the Bay of Quinte. This was underpinned by a strong focus on environmental and sustainability considerations.
  • Assessed and developed fiscal feasibility by determining the potential of private/public partnerships.


Delivered a detailed, thoroughly researched, and often referenced blueprint for a  smart, sustainable, community-driven waterfront for the City of Belleville, and its residents and businesses.

Start something GOOD today.